Sunday, October 31, 2010

Clouds and Skies - Happy Halloween!

This assignment was one of the tougher ones in my opinion. Did a lot of studies of clouds, and I'm still not satisfied with the final painting, but time's run out unfortunately. EDIT: Good bye October!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Detective Chimpo

Action Pose assignment - I was starting to give up on this character, but decided to be a man and follow through lol Credits to Andy for coming up with the name 'Chimpo'

Pirate design #2

I keep forgetting to post this - Character Rotation assignment

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Gorira Genie

Messin' around during character design. This isn't the guy I'm doing action poses for tho

Poot Drawings

Still in the process of learning how to draw feet - They're quicker to draw than hands, but harder to understand, I think

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Quick sketch and render - Illustration markers and prisma color pencils used for the render

Flying Whale City

09' stuff - I don't know where I was going with this

Wandering Mage - Angst

Character I drew last year I believe - yeah, looking through old stuff


Fooling around with illustration markers again - Primary Colors

Kid Titanium

Playing around with illustration marker - smells soo good~


There is nothing more to say (Gouache)

The Three Spires

Flat color painting - which doesn't really look like flat color at some parts. But w/e - Learning Curb

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lonely Nights

Monochromatic Painting with Gouache - Starting to like this stuff

Monkey Tien heading to the Forge

Painting took about 1 hour - The size of Tien has to get smaller - I'll do that in the 3 other shots - *Credits to Kai for helping me figure out a camera angle