This assignment was one of the tougher ones in my opinion. Did a lot of studies of clouds, and I'm still not satisfied with the final painting, but time's run out unfortunately. EDIT: Good bye October!
Action Pose assignment - I was starting to give up on this character, but decided to be a man and follow through lol Credits to Andy for coming up with the name 'Chimpo'
I keep forgetting to post this - Character Rotation assignment
Messin' around during character design. This isn't the guy I'm doing action poses for tho
Still in the process of learning how to draw feet - They're quicker to draw than hands, but harder to understand, I think
Almost went mad
Quick sketch and render - Illustration markers and prisma color pencils used for the render
09' character design
09' stuff - I don't know where I was going with this
Character I drew last year I believe - yeah, looking through old stuff
Fooling around with illustration markers again - Primary Colors
Playing around with illustration marker - smells soo good~
There is nothing more to say (Gouache)
Flat color painting - which doesn't really look like flat color at some parts. But w/e - Learning Curb
Monochromatic Painting with Gouache - Starting to like this stuff